
Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Day

The New Year's Day is the biggest holiday in Japan. It has been a tradition of the Sekita's to have extended family over for a big meal. This year, we were blessed to have our close friend T&A and their son TyTy join us celebrate the day. Although I would never be able to put together a big meal that my mom usually does, we had "gomoku chirashi sushi" a traditional homestyle vegetarian sushi, "mochi" pounded sticky rice cooked in two different soups (soy sauce base and sweet bean base), etc.

After their visit, I delivered some sushi over to a few good neighbours of ours. In return, we got delicious sweets from J&S and Biryani from A&A. The beauty of reciprocity made both my heart and stomach full. Biryani is an Indian/Pakistani rice dish that I love, and I am going to learn how to make it this year!



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