
Thursday, October 7, 2010


1. Recépisée

We now have the official document that proves we have applied for our Carte de Sejour. It took seven weeks instead of ten days, but we are happy that it did not take any longer than two months. Well done! Our recépisées are valid until the end of December. We are now waiting for our medical appointment.

2. French

My French class at CUEF is going well. I still think I am in the wrong level, but one can always learn something. One thing for sure is that I am getting more and more confused. Do I capitalize the week of the day in English? When do I insert a comma?

As I usually shop at butchers, bakeries, or veggie stores (what are they called?) I get to speak with the store clerks, which is a great opportunity for me. When I was buying green beans (des haricots vers), I had no idea how to specify the amount. I said "quelques" for "some" as I showed her my hand. She said, "une poignée de haricots." I will never forget this word as I learned in real action.

The other day, I wanted to buy two pieces of sausages (is this how you say in English?) I said "deux saucisses" and the clerk said something like "deuxiéme." I made the peace sign to indicate 2, and we had delicious saucisses aux herbs for dinner. The question remains though. What did she say? I asked my teacher about this, and he thinks what I said was correct. Hmmm, I have to go back and make the same order to find out.

I remember doing this in English. a head of broccoli, a stalk of celery, a murder of crows... I need to learn counters.

3. Moving

We will be going to the real estate agency to sign our apartment contract tomorrow (Friday). Wish us luck. If everything goes well, we will be moving in mid November!!

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