
Saturday, June 30, 2012

C'est parti !

It is June 30, 2012 and our living room is again filled with cardboard boxes. Sadly, our stay in Grenoble is finally coming to an end. I will miss every bit of it, from the beauty of nature and the depth of culture to the filthy side walk and the ruleless drivers. I think I can say that I lived this city, and I am glad that I feel linked to this place.

Starting September, we are starting our new life in Vancouver, where we first met as two master's students. We love Vancouver dearly, and it is another place to which I find a personal link. I am very much looking forward to rediscovering this old neighbourhood together with Nathan and this time with Chana.

The month of May and June were full of events. At the beginning of May, Nathan and I were very close to the top of the world at Mont Blanc, and then went very close to the heaven in Andalusia with my dearest friend Miranda. I dragged them to flamenco performances and she dragged us to delicious tapas bars. The Alhambra Palace took us with awe, where Nathan did his happy math tourism. I rediscovered travelling with friends enjoyable, and I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did.

In June, Nathan's brother came for a visit and then came Nathan's family. Thanks to them, we got to redo a lot of sightseeing in Grenoble and we were amazed how much this little city can offer. Chana kept us busy with two more agility trials, but she did not do so well due to lack of practices. We do not know if we get to do this much agility in Vancouver, so we are going to enjoy as much as we can in July.

We have a month left to go in France. We are trying to see as many friends as possible before we leave. The calendar is almost full and the time is running out! The only wish is that we had more money :D! Well, I guess this is the time we should become really French. Enjoy the moment and you think about tomorrow day after tomorrow. Or is it more Spanish? Que sera sera? Carpe diem? Who knows what is ahead of you, so make sure you don't regret not doing something :).

Happy Canada Day!

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