
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Joyeux 5e Anniversaire, Chana!

Our sleepy head is 5 years old today. She never ceases to entertain us, and we are truly thankful for her awesome personality.

This year, she has to work on "leaving" whatever she finds on the street. She was almost disowned last week for eating something unimaginable. Well, it is 80% France's fault for letting this happen, as you will never find this object in public in Japan, Canada, or in any civilized societies. We are glad that she is still alive.

Since coming here, I have stopped making her food and gave into the convenience of kibbles. The result is clear, and she is always hungry and fat. However, we are no longer DINKs (Double Income No Kids) but SINKs (ha ha... scary), so we can not afford lapins for her dinner. In terms of Chana's quality of life, we must say it was way better in Waterloo where she had agility and obedience trainings, homemade food and treats, and pretty much garbage free neighbourhood.

We miss the big field on Columbia and Fisher-Hallman, in summer time :P.

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