
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chanagility December 2011

Here is the last agility training of the 2011 outside in the mud (the ground was covered with snow for some time) on December 29. After the first tunnel and a jump, I got lost and confused Chana. She was a good  girl not to take the jump in front of her. Chana missed the entry on the second weaves, but not bad all together for a our Chana pooch! After the training, we ate together in the club house to celebrate the end of the year.

So much has happened in the last quarter of 2011: our trip to Brussels and Vimy ridge, Carin, Ken and Hana's visit in Grenoble for a month, travelling with Donna down to Avignon, Toulouse, and Barcelona... As this blog is serving me as a form of diary, I should write about them before I forget or my memory gets crystallized.

We have also started doing a language exchange with our agility coach Isabelle. Every friday we host each other for an evening of communication. Together with Isabelle's husband and her five dogs, we spend some quality time together, quiet and rich. We were at their place for the "reveillons" on December 31st where some more excitement was added with a Chihuahua named Gusto :). I saved him from Chana when she turned into a gremlin.

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