
Sunday, January 2, 2011


According to Ékopé, the seasonal fruits for the month of January in France are lemon, clementine, kiwi, mandarine, orange, nuts, pear, and apples. Yes, they are grown right here in this country!

Here is a photo of French kiwis I took last month, five minutes from our apartment. They are delicious and cheap!! As Nathan and I are try-to-be-locavores, many of the fruits were out of our shopping list when we were in Waterloo. Since we cannot give up our coffee and chocolate, we try our best in other areas. So this holiday season, we are overindulging ourselves absorbing as much vitamin C as we can. No more vitamin pills needed!

My grandparents had mandarin orchards, and every winter we ate until our finger tips started turning yellow. Not only Nathan got hooked by mandarins and clementines I buy, Chana is in love with them. Many of the behaviour correction equipments use citrus scented sprays, as dogs do not like the smell of it. Chana wakes up from her sleep when Nathan starts peeling one, and she will drool until we give her one.

Lastly, I don't know if you can find the Angelys Pear over there, but if you do, I strongly encourage you try them how much ever they cost. They are good!

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