In July 2011, for the first time ever, I...
- offered 1hr/wk "juku" for some kids from the Japanese school even though they were on holidays.
- Unofficially took a break from my French lessons.
- Joined my friends to visit Toulouse, Carcassonne, Andorra as an official driver.
- Got a picture taken by a speed camera coming back and felt sick to stomach.
- Flew to Canada using miles and swore I never want to transit in the US.
- Had a Strawberry smoothie from Starbucks.
- Cleaned my luggage covered in mint syrup shuttered by rough luggage handlers at a hotel room.
- Laughed out loud.
In August 2011, for the fist time, I...
- Had Subway for dinner with Kathy in Victoria Park, Kitchener.
- Went to the new property of Linda, a new Aimhi location!
- Slept in the bed which used to be our guest bed, now at Jason's!
- Became a true Japanadian.
- Went to Texas to attend the wedding of Abram and MT.
- Shared a hotel room with Nathan's mom.
- Had breakfast tacos.
- Flew from Houston to Vancouver using wifi in the air thanks to Alaska Airlines.
- Stayed with Cath and David, Elearnor's family.
- Visited the house of Doug and Eleanor without Doug and Eleanor.
I still enjoyed and loved...
- Spending time with the Stewarts at their cottage up in Storney lake.
- Drinking coffee with Maruoka sensei.
- Sharing values with Jason.
- Discussing life with Donna while eating her Indian cuisine.
- Eating delicious homemade Persian meal with Leila.
- Seeing Jen and Scott, a community builder.
- Being inspired by Dr. Ariga, Dr. Shimpo, Dr. Hara, Ken and Hana, full of wisdom.
- Being encouraged by Sormeh and Zahra. I feel like I grew up with them.
- Seeing Aya and Tim with their two powerful kids, a family so tight as a unit.
- Chatting with T, with whom I taught at AEON.
- Having a nice dinner with Sharon and Arthur.
- Discussing life with Aseem, my family doctor.
- Drinking Strawberry smoothie from Starbucks. 8th one?
- Doing agility with Chana.
I hated...
- Being away from Nathan and Chana, especially when Chana was ill.
- Being asked to stand up in support of troops.