
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Healthy France 2

Pour votre santé, éviter de grignoter entre les repas.

Snacking is not recommended in France. Well, burger is more like a meal, no?

On the side note, the use of English words is quite common compared to Quebec. They just have to include a translation as seen in the photo.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Healthy France

L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. À consommer avec moderation.

This kind of makes sense. What amazes me is when we see an ad for cookies, and it tells you not to snack because snacking is bad for you.

Oui, c'est ça.

Thanks David Suzuki.

Misato Sekita-Krislock

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Paranomal Activity

Nathan loves Hallowe'en. He misses trick-or-treating. As Nathan insisted, to celebrate Halloween, we got together with his colleagues and watched a horror movie. There is no rational relation here, but that's what he decided to do on his favourite day of the year. The movie he chose was "Paranomal Activity," and we all survived as it turned out to be not too scary after all. We said good-bye to our hosts, and that's when our true "Paranomal Activity" started.

When we got to a tram stop, we saw a man who was helping another old man. He asked us to stay with this old man while he went back to a bar to call a cab for this man. The old man had a little too much to drink tonight. We waited a good 30 minutes, but there was no sight of this man or a cab. We had not idea what to do, and after a consultation among us (representing 4 different countries), it was decided that we should call 112, the equivalent of 911. In 5 minutes or so, an ambulance arrived and we handed over the old man. Thanks to France, my experience level went up again! It was my first call to an ambulance.

Then on the tram heading back home, we saw a beginning of a fight between two men. The next thing we saw was that they got off the tram and one was on the ground while the other kicking him... Yes, Grenoble is quite active on the night of Hallowe'en.

After all, drunk adults outnumbered cute kids dressed in their costume. The movie was not scary, what's scary is the effect of alcohol on humans.